

How often should the air conditioning of a car be cleaned and disinfected ?2021-04-27T15:15:42+00:00

It is strongly recommended to clean the air conditioning system twice a year: once in the spring and once at the beginning of winter, to avoid contamination of the system by bacteria and thus limit the risks of allergies and bad smells. The Air Conditioning Disinfectant Cleaner is very easy to use because it requires no disassembly and is done in just a few minutes. It is also important to change the cabin filter according to the manufacturer’s recommendation.

My MOT is due very soon, is it possible to fix emissions before ?2021-04-27T15:15:42+00:00

Yes, By using a pre emission test treatment and driving at least 150km

Are fuel additives compatible wth bio fuels ?2021-04-27T15:15:42+00:00

Yes, until B30 for diesel and E20 for petrol. Some products like DRY FUEL can be used until B100

How long before unused fuel starts degrading ?2021-04-27T15:15:43+00:00

1 month ! If the car won’t move longer, it is advised to use a FUEL STABILIZER.

How much fuel is best to use in the tank2021-04-27T15:15:43+00:00

add the bottle to any amount of fuel up to the maximum dilution rate. For best results add to half a tank.

How many kilometers do I have to travel after putting the additive in the tank to feel the effects.2021-04-27T15:15:43+00:00

the benefits of the treatment will start to work straight away. The more the engine is run and the more treatment used the better effect

How much additive can I put in the Fuel tank (Maximum limit)2021-04-27T15:15:43+00:00

you can not really over dose but a maximum of 2 bottles to one tank is enough.

My car’s gears are stiff when I change them; which product should I use?2021-04-27T15:15:43+00:00

HPLS (Gearbox and Axle Treatment) makes gear shifting easier by ensuring better lubrication, even at low temperatures. It protects mechanical gearboxes from wear and tear and prolongs the life of already weakened gearboxes. In addition, it prevents and stops leaks. Caution: it must not be used in automatic gearboxes.

I want to add an oil additive to my engine, but my next oil change is still a long way off. Should I wait or can I put it in now?2021-04-27T15:15:43+00:00

The ideal is to put an oil additive at the time of the oil change, in a clean oil. However, if the oil has recently been changed, it can be added. To do this, run the engine at idle for about 15 minutes to allow the additive to mix completely with the oil and take care not to exceed the maximum oil level.

I poured Super Charge in my oil pan but the product was very thick. Is this normal?2021-04-27T15:15:44+00:00

Yes, Super Charge has a very gelatinous consistency because it is composed of polymers that improve the viscosity of the oil at high temperatures. To promote its flow, it is possible to “heat” it beforehand by placing the bottle in the sun or near a radiator.

I poured an Engine Oil Stop Leak Stop, but the oil leak persists. Should I put an extra dose?2021-04-27T15:15:44+00:00

No, the action of the Stop Engine Oil Leakage is to clean and restore the elasticity of the crankshaft, camshaft and other Spi seals. Under no circumstances can it repair a defective, cut or torn gasket; an additional dose would therefore be useless. In addition, overpressure in the oil sump can cause leaks. It is therefore advisable to have the engine checked by a professional.

Can I use 2 oils additives together2021-04-27T15:15:44+00:00

yes both treatments can be used together. When adding ensure that the engine is not over filled

How much additive can I put in the Engine Oil  (Maximum limit)2021-04-27T15:15:44+00:00

maximum of 2 oil additives, the oil does the most important job, when filling do not over fill the engine

Your additives will damage my engine?2021-04-27T15:15:44+00:00

Absolutely not. Wynn’s additives have been tested on most modern fluids on the market and can be used with confidence as long as they are used as directed.

I need to change the coolant in my vehicle to which radiator stop leakage was added. Will the radiator stop leakage action be maintained or do I need to add another one to prevent the leakage from reappearing?2021-04-27T15:15:44+00:00

The Radiator Stop Leak is composed of plant particles that come to position themselves in front of the holes to plug them. They will drain off with the coolant when draining. It is therefore necessary to replace the Radiator Leak Stop with the new coolant to prevent the leak from reappearing.

Are Injector Cleaner compatible with High Pressure Injection?2021-04-27T15:15:45+00:00

Yes, Injector Cleaners are compatible with newest injection systems.

Why is it important to clean the injectors regularly?2021-04-27T15:15:45+00:00

A contaminated injection system leads to poor fuel atomization in the combustion chamber. This malfunction can result in poor acceleration, unstable idling and over-consumption of fuel. Injector Cleaner (Diesel or Petrol) cleans the injection system to restore optimum fuel atomisation, but also lubricates it to protect it permanently.

Are there any risks to the engine when using a Wynn’s additive?2021-04-27T15:15:45+00:00

Absolutely not. Wynn’s additives have been tested on most modern fluids on the market and can be used with confidence as long as they are used as directed.

Who is the additive for?2021-04-27T15:15:45+00:00

to all motorists who wish to extend the life of their new/old vehicle
to any motorist who complains about a vehicle with excessive mileage that has become excessively dusty
to the purchaser of a recent vehicle who wishes to preserve it from premature aging
to any motorist who travels mainly in the city for short trips

How does an additive work?2021-03-18T07:52:56+00:00

Very simply: an additive is a product that, when mixed with an essential vehicle fluid (fuel, oil or coolant), will chemically treat malfunctions in the engine, fuel system or cooling system.

How often should an additive be used?2021-03-18T07:52:56+00:00

Ideally :
– after every oil change for oil additives
– every 2000 to 4000 km for fuel additives

Can I use an oil additive during running-in?2021-03-18T07:52:56+00:00

This is not desirable. Running-in is a period during which the moving parts of a new engine adjust to each other, so it is necessary not to interfere with this phenomenon. We recommend that you use Wynn’s engine additive only after the first oil change. No problem for fuel additives.

Do I have to be mechanically gifted to use Wynn’s treatments?2021-03-18T07:52:56+00:00

Wynn’s treatments are very simple to use: 1) Open the cap on the fuel tank (for fuel treatments) or the oil tank (for oil treatments),
2) Pour the treatment inside, 3) Close the cap and it’s done!

Is there an addiction to additives?2021-03-18T07:52:56+00:00

No. On the other hand, the benefits of the treatments fade after several thousand kilometers and it is advisable to renew them.

Can a Wynn’s treatment be used in a newer vehicle?2021-03-18T07:52:56+00:00

There is a Wynn’s treatment for every stage of a vehicle’s life and some treatments are particularly recommended for newer vehicles. Starting to treat your vehicle as early as possible will keep your engine intact for as long as possible.

My car smokes abnormally, which product should I use?2021-03-18T07:52:56+00:00

Exhaust fumes can be of several types and colors. It is essential to identify this smoke in order to determine its cause and to remedy it.
Black smoke: Carburetion or combustion problems
Blue smoke: problems with oil passage in combustion chambers
White smoke when hot : problem of water in the exhaust system.
This diagnosis can only be reliable if the vehicle is properly serviced on a regular basis.
Example: A clogged air filter can interfere with combustion, resulting in the emission of black smoke.
The identification of the problem will allow us to advise you on the choice of one of our products.

What is the use of an additive ?2021-03-18T07:52:56+00:00

An additive is a chemical component meant to prevent degradation of fluids or to solve issues created by usage of the car to prolonge life of your car.

Can 2 Wynn’s additives be mixed?2021-03-18T07:52:56+00:00

Some Wynn’s products may technically mix, but mixing does not generally increase product performance. In addition, caution should be exercised and Wynn’s Consumer Service Department should be consulted for further information.

Are Wynn’s additives compatible with premium Fuel2021-03-18T07:52:56+00:00

Yes they are.

How to effectively reduce fuel consumption?2021-03-18T07:52:56+00:00

An over-consumption of fuel can have 2 origins :
– Too much friction between metal parts in the engine causing power losses.
– A clogging of the fuel supply system which causes pollution and over fuel consumption.

2 actions are therefore necessary to reduce fuel consumption as much as possible:
– use an anti-friction oil additive
– Clean the fuel system and injectors with Anti-Pollution Treatment (Diesel or Petrol), then complete with Injector Cleaner (Diesel or Petrol) or High Pressure Injection Protection Cleaner.

When should I pour my additive into the fuel tank?2021-03-18T07:52:56+00:00

For a better mixing of the product in the tank, it is preferable to pour it before filling up at the station.

How long can I keep a multidosage bottle after opening?2021-03-18T07:52:56+00:00

In correct storage conditions, it will last approximately 6 months after opening. It is best to store it away from light or a heat source.

I poured a radiator cleaner in my cooling system and now it leaks. Why is it leaking?2021-03-18T07:52:56+00:00

The Radiator Cleaner is a descaler whose action consists in dissolving soft tartar which is both insulating and corrosive. Its action has revealed points of corrosion caused by scale, creating micro-leaks. The solution: apply a Radiator Leak Stop that will seal the holes due to corrosion.

I poured a radiator stop leak in my cooling system but the leakage persists. Should I pour another one in?2021-03-18T07:52:56+00:00

The Radiator Stop Leak is designed to stop leaks in a cooling circuit that can contain up to 10 liters of coolant. Adding a second bottle would therefore be useless. The Radiator Leak Stop is made of vegetable particles that can plug the holes that cause leaks up to 1.4 mm. If its action is not sufficient, this suggests that the holes are larger. It is therefore preferable to have the general condition of the circuit checked by a professional.